Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sarah Needs Special Glasses!!!

So alot has happened lately, but I'll update on another post. I just want to post this cool thing I've found. Basically you google "your name" needs and read the search headlines that come up. So i googled "Sarah needs" and here's some of the funny ones:

1. Sarah needs a cold shower, self-esteem

2. Sarah needs more love lyrics

3. Sarah needs a date, maybe some fun, and if it works out a bit of schtupping

4. Sarah needs to hand him one of those weapons that went off without warning

5. Sarah needs facebook

6. Sarah needs sponsers to compete in deaf olympics

7. Sarah needs your help

8. Sarah needs a Wii

9. Sarah needs a band

10. Sarah needs a miracle

11. Sarah needs your manly vote

12. Sarah needs batteries

13. Sarah needs advice

14. Sarah needs her own set

15. Sarah needs to swim!

16. Sarah needs to lean on her man

17. Sarah needs a translator in espanol

18. Sarah needs deprived, weak men

19. Sarah needs love!

20. Sarah needs a man.

21. Sarah needs more.

22. Sarah needs to find her dog!

i could go on and on, but I'll stop here. I thought this was hilarious, so hope you all enjoy (assuming people actually read this thing. haha)